Tag Archives: You Capture

Souvenir Foto School – Week 03

25 Nov

AND You Capture!  All in one!

SFS Food Week 03 - Sweetheart

A yummy Taco Bell Chalupa, with Hershey Kisses.

Visit Beth and Miss B for more yummy looking food!


You Capture – Inspiration

18 Nov

Cheesy, yes. Do I care?  Nope!
They both inspire me daily. To work harder. To love more. To be more.  To enjoy the simple things in life….like snuggling on a couch in pajamas.  To grab the special moments when I can.  To use the tools I have to get the photo, even if it’s not the best.  Because sometimes, the quality doesn’t matter so much as the emotion behind it.


What inspires you?

You Capture – Halloween

4 Nov

The pirate princess, complete with scar and monkey (in the basket) proceeded to discover this thing called “Trick or Treating”

Pirate Princess

Not finding any houses with the note on our side of the apartments, so we went to explore the other side.  Her walk here just KILLS me.

Pirate Princess

The hips.  The hand.  The whole arm in fact.  Just kills me!

She LOVED being able to knock on doors.  And did really good too!  Only had to help her a couple times.

Pirate Princess

There were the perfect amount of houses to trick or treat at.  The right amount of time.  The right amount of candy.

Pirate Princess

It was so much fun!  Can’t wait for next year!  Find more Halloween (and Silence) photos at Beth’s.


You Capture – Autumn

28 Oct

This week was a great chance to test out my new camera.  And the “nifty fifty”.  Ohhhhh the bokeh.  Creamy creamy bokeh.  I’d never shot anything that could drop to anything less than an f4.5 so the f1.8….glorious!  And running on all manual mode (SO MUCH EASIER ON CANONS) was fun too!


The lush green fields that follow


Brightly colored leaves on the trees


And brightly colored leaves on the ground


Tangled naked branches


Fallen acorns


And pigtails with coats.


What is in your autumn?


You Capture – Orange

21 Oct

Having a pumpkin patch visit on Saturday meant I had my orange!  Granted, it’s not very original, but I can handle it!

A Pumpkin!

She was so loving the pumpkins…as long as she didn’t have to touch them.

Scenic Patch - Selective Color

I love this picture. I want to get it huge to put on my wall. It’s a perfect portrait, I think. She LOVED running around the patch, especially as long as her dad is chasing her.  So having her in the tiny side of the shot just fits perfectly.

Scenic Patch

This is the color version.

The whole day was just gorgeous.  I love it.

PhotobucketFor more Orange, visit Beth.