Tag Archives: creativity

The Cuteness!

9 Nov

Seriously, there is so much cuteness in the world….it really helps lift your spirits!

For example:

Aren’t these just adorable?  The amazingly talented Maggie (from my very own Portland!) creates these little mice and shares them at Mouses Houses.

She just got a contract with a book publisher for a children’s book!  I cannot WAIT to see it!

What cuteness have you discovered lately?


23 Aug

Wow, this weekend was a WHIRLWIND!

I traveled to Seattle to help the lovely Leah with her Go4Pro Photography “Building the Biz” workshop. It was phenominal! All of the girls (and Taylor, Leah’s husband too, of course) were so amazing and we got some great tips, great things done, awesome networking and just had such a wonderful time. I cannot wait to edit my images and get some up to share! More than that, I’ve decided more and more I want to work on my photography business. I can do this. I am worth this.

It is time.

Wordless Wednesday – Business Cards!

21 Jul

Business Cards!

Horrible picture…and the cards are definitely not the final version….while I play around with them, I printed out some to have with me, but I love the color scheme.  Love love love!  Don’t know why they are showing up as different creams in the background….but they are all the same colorwise.


25 May

I love helping people out.  It’s a fault of mine, actually…I will bend over backwards to help anyone I can.  Sometimes too much.  I can get really passionate about it, in fact.  Obsessive.

But sometimes, it works out!  Several months ago, someone left a horrible comment on a blog I was reading: GO{4}PRO Photography.  Here was a photographer taking time out of her busy life to help other budding photographers blossom.  The comment was about her spelling and grammar, which weren’t the best.  I quickly emailed her and offered to edit her posts for her.  People can be so mean and I wanted to balance it out by being nice, however I could.

I heard back from Leah and things started rolling right along.  I soon discovered that Leah was in Portland!  Such a sweet person who has a hugely giving attitude, I felt honored to be helping her.  When she mentioned she needed help getting her Go{4}Pro Shop up and running, I was excited to help.  In our discussions, I jokingly said she needed to hurry up and become rich and famous so she could hire me as her assistant.  As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for, because I’m now her Studio Manager!  It’s going to be a great way to help get my creative juices going on the side.

The future is bright and going well!  I feel like the sun is coming out from behind the clouds and cannot wait to see what comes.  God truly knows what He is doing!

And in honor of the shop getting up and running, Leah’s hosting a giveaway!

Tons of great prizes…if you are a photographer or aspiring or just dreaming, heck, even non-photographers can benefit if you are opening a small business yourself!  Go and enter!

Thank God it is Friday.

31 Jul

I am so glad Friday is here.

This has been one heck of a long week.

I think it’s been the heat.  It’s been above 100 degrees here.  This is too hot.  I don’t do well with the heat, and Baby Soup does not either.  Subsequently, she has slept horribly.  Which means the rest of us sleep horribly as well.

Which is always fun.

Some of you may remember my post last week about my Initiation into the Worst Mother Club.  The good news is the pictures from that day are done and up!

I am so in love with them…. Katie, you did an amazing job as always!  Thank you again, especially for letting me play art director and ask you do some things you may not have done otherwise!!

In other news, this weekend is suppose to be cooler, finally.  Only 90’s instead of 100’s.  Ha.  But that means I may be able to do the things that have been piling up.  I have my website to finish, a logo to do for Allyson, photos to edit and bridal shower invitations to make.

I am so glad I’ve been getting on a creativity kick again.  I’m feeling fufilled and enjoying it so much.  It’s a chunk of my life that I didn’t even know I was missing before it came back in.  Life is good.