Tag Archives: plant

Black Thumb

23 Oct

After reading Aunt Becky’s blog post today, I made a comment to her about how envious I was of her ability to grow plants.  There may, or may not, have been some mention of how I was completely rearranging my Facebook farm to include the new Dairy Farm and to make it prettier.  That is neither here nor there though.

Here is the honest truth.

I have a pair of black thumbs.  Black as they can get.  I look at plants and they die.

I’ve killed the un-killable.  Cacti, tomato plants, ferns.  You name it, I’ve most likely killed it.

Including a plastic plant.


I’ve killed something that wasn’t even alive.

You know those great big fake plants they have?

Don’t leave them next to a base board heater.

I’m just saying.  Because you may, or may not, come home from a long day at work to realize that your plant had melted.  To the wall.

Oh look!

Cute baby!

Nekkid Baby!